Minimalist Montessori Homeschooling with Juli

Meet Juli, a Montessori mom of two, living in Florida, USA. She’s an alumna of Homeschool: Primary, Homeschool: Lower Elementary, and Constellation.

You may recognize Juli from her Instagram account, where she talks about minimalist Montessori homeschool life.

Would you introduce yourself, your family, and your lifestyle?

Minimalist Latina and mama to a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy living in Miami, Florida. Homeschooling for 2 years now officially.

What is a typical day for you with your children?

Wake up. Both myself and my kids start breakfast; they help with chopping, cooking and cleaning.

After that, we all get ready for the day, and we have about 30 minutes to 45 minutes of lessons with my 5 year old and some activities to keep my 3 year involved. Then there’s free play, lunch, quiet time, 30 minutes of screen time, and off to go outside, the park, the library, walk in the neighborhood, etc.

Come back read, dinner, bath, bed 😅

What experiences do you love to share with your children?

I love all the little moments in between, the kisses and giggles, the snuggles when we read, the time we get to spend together laughing or learning. Those are my favorite.

What do your children like to do?

My kids love to make up songs! Songs for snack, songs for weather, songs for being happy or sad. They love to move and play and more singing 😂

Tell us something one of your children did recently that you're proud of.

Not a specific thing, but my kids have been really learning to work together. To be kind to each other and the beginning of feeling empathy when one is not feeling so happy.

Meet Mama Juli Quote.png

What is your favorite Montessori material or activity?

We are loving the sandpaper letters and the movable alphabet. My son loves the continent puzzle.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out with Montessori?

It can be so overwhelming at first, but through time and understanding of the method it can feel so rewarding. But also don’t feel like it always has to be perfect, learning alongside your kids is part of the fun.

If you could time travel and meet Maria Montessori herself, what would you say to her?

Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to really see children. To give them value. It really changed my life.

What do you tell yourself when you feel like you're failing?

That I’m sending my kids to school. 😂 But really is all those little good moments that keep me going. I do remind myself that every day is a new day, and we start fresh every single day.

What’s been your experience with Child of the Redwoods?

I really love the community. I need it to keep me going, to keep me learning and understanding deeper and deeper what Montessori is all about.

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