Leaning into Family Rhythms with Michelle

Meet Michelle, a Montessori mom of three, living in California, USA! She’s an alumna of Homeschool: Primary, Homeschool: Lower Elementary, and a member of Constellation.

Would you introduce yourself, your family, and your lifestyle?

I'm a former elementary school teacher in traditional schools. When my oldest was about 6 months, I decided to stay home with him. When he was 2, and my daughter was a newborn we started on our Montessori journey.

I took ALL THE COURSES Aubrey offered, including Homeschool of the Redwoods, and we've been homeschooling ever since. He's now 6, my daughter is about to turn 4, and my younger son is 18 months.

What is a typical day for you with your child?

My youngest still bedshares with us, and often the older two end up in our bed or on our bedroom floor at some point throughout the night. We have a slow morning. My husband wakes up for work, and everyone else wakes up on their own. Sometimes that's everyone at once, sometimes one or two kids at a time.

We have breakfast, usually self-serve cereal or oatmeal. Then we spend the morning doing lots of free play, reading together, sometimes outside play. I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of having a couple days a week where we go somewhere, like the library and the park or nature area.

Then after lunch, my youngest has a nap while the older two have some screen time, and I use that time to either relax or do some planning. In the afternoon, we have more free play, sometimes some lessons, prep and cook dinner (sometimes the kids help here).

After dinner, we all get to spend some time with dad, some more free play, and reading. We are starting to implement a new bedtime routine, as my oldest was showing a need for something different. He used to go to bed at the same time as the younger two, 8pm. My husband would put the big two to bed, while I nursed the younger to sleep. Now my husband is putting the younger two to bed while the older gets some mom time and goes to bed an hour later. All three kids go to sleep with a parent staying by them until they are asleep.

What experiences do you love to share with your children?

I love to garden with them and do art (though I still don't love the mess that comes with it, lol) and read together.

Tell us something one of your children did recently that you're proud of.

My oldest is now in the second plane, and I'm seeing him become more socially aware, which is helping some in the sibling department. I've recently overheard him mediating conflicts between the younger two.

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What is your favorite Montessori material or activity?

The colored beads and golden beads. I may love them a little extra because I DIY'd them.

What advice would you give someone just starting out with Montessori?

Don't fall into the trap of needing to be "perfectly Montessori." Learn about the philosophy and use it as your lens for viewing your child and your home. You're probably already doing a lot of Montessori-aligned things in your parenting. Also, take baby steps. No need to change everything all at once.

What do you tell yourself when you feel like you're failing?

This feels hard, because it is hard. I'm not failing.

What’s been your experience with Child of the Redwoods?

I've loved being a part of the community. I don't have a Montessori community in real life, so it's been great having like-minded people to chat with. Aside from the amazing content available, I love how accessible Aubrey and Kari are. I always feel validated and supported. I would definitely recommend all the programs!

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Meet Our MamasAubrey Hargis